CPP Trainer Roster

Each row on the table represents one trainer who is qualified to lead a CPP Learning Collaborative (LC). The Training Regions column shows the geographic area in which the trainer coordinates these trainings.

Click on a row in the table for more information on that trainer, including biography, specialties, and best contact method. Depending on your device, you may need to use the scroll bar to view the full table or dashboard.

Filter the table by either clicking on the map or entering terms into the relevant filters. To remove a dropdown filter, open the dropdown menu and click 'Select All.' To remove an open-text search, click on the 'X' next to the filter. The number of relevant results is shown above the Trainer Name filter. To remove a map filter, either click outside of the country/state, or click “Reset Map” in the bottom-left corner.

Clicking 'Download Data' in the bottom-right will generate a comma-separated values (CSV) file of the filtered data.

Disclaimer: These listings are provided for information purposes only. Trainers listed are not all affiliated with The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), The Regents of the University of California, UCSF Health, or the UCSF Child Trauma Research Program.

Below are definitions for selected terms on the roster:

Active — Trainer is currently leading or organizing CPP LC.
Active - Limited — Trainer is currently leading or organizing an LC but at a reduced capacity.
In Memoriam — Trainer has passed away.
Inactive — Trainer is not training now but may train again in the future.
Retired — Trainer is not training and does not plan to train again in the future.
Unknown — Trainer has not provided information on their status.

No — Trainer does not currently offer supervision or consultation.
Yes — Trainer currently offers supervision and/or consultation.
Self-Pay - Practice accepts payment directly from client.
Unknown — Trainer has not provided information on whether they offer supervision and/or consultation.

Do you have feedback about the roster?
If you would like to provide feedback on the roster, please fill out the CPP Roster Feedback survey: https://forms.gle/s5BAprNJBVC5WRgA9

Are you missing from the roster?

If you are a CPP Learning Collaborative trainer and you can't find your roster survey link, please complete the following survey to help us find your information: https://redcap.ucsf.edu/surveys/?s=8HA9D3F7XR