Each row on the table or point on the map represents one CPP practice (that is, one provider at one site). See additional information about a practice in the practice profile, by clicking 'View' in the table or clicking on the green point on the map. (Note: Providers who do not appear on the map have not specified their location in our database). Depending on your device, you may need to use the scroll bar to view all columns in the table.
The roster can be searched by entering terms into the relevant filters. Use the 'Search All' box to search every column (including as name, agency, or insurance plan). If you use 'Search Nearby,' you will need to click the green 'Search' button to filer--all other filters will update automatically. To remove a dropdown filter, open the dropdown menu and click 'Select All.' To remove an open-text search, click on the 'X' next to the filter. The number of relevant results is shown above the Search All filter.
Clicking 'Download Data' in the bottom-right will generate a comma-separated values (CSV) file of the filtered data.
Disclaimer: This is a listing of providers who completed an implementation level course in Child-Parent Psychotherapy. This listing is provided for informational purposes only. Providers listed are not endorsed by the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Child Trauma Research Program. Prior to choosing a provider, it is best practice to verify provider credentials, licensure status, and any records of disciplinary action with the appropriate state board.
Below are definitions for selected terms on the roster:
Accepting New Clients
Yes — Practice is accepting new clients.
Not Accepting New Clients — Practice is not accepting new clients at this time.
Inactive — Practice is not providing therapy at this time.
Contact through Agency — Prospective clients should reach out to the agency listed in the practice profile (see above for instructions on the practice profile).
Insurance Types Accepted
Private Insurance — Practice accepts commercial insurances (such as Kaiser Permanente, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Humana).
Public Insurance (Medicaid) — Practice accepts the state’s Medicaid program.
Self-Pay — Practice accepts payment directly from client.
Victims of Crime — Practice accepts funding from the state’s Victims of Crime Act program.
Unspecified — Practice has not provided information on insurance types accepted.
Do you have feedback about the roster?
If you would like to provide feedback on the roster, please fill out the CPP Roster Feedback survey: https://forms.gle/s5BAprNJBVC5WRgA9
Are you missing from the roster?
If you completed an implementation-level CPP training (LC, CAMP, or Internship) and are not on the roster, please use your roster survey code to verify that your current email address is listed and you have opted in to the public roster. After this step, or if you can't find your roster survey code, please complete the following survey to help us find your information: https://redcap.ucsf.edu/surveys/?s=8HA9D3F7XR
Please note that response times may vary (may even take a few weeks). We are a SMALL but mighty team.