Webinars for Professionals


ACEs Aware Monthly Webinar

ACEs Aware is an initiative led by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, CA Surgeon General. It provides monthly webinars on providing care to children and families impacted by adversity, and resources for providers and families regarding toxic stress & trauma-informed care. This is an ongoing seminar on a wide variety of topics around supporting children through adversity. It is currently focused on telehealth & COVID-19: https://www.acesaware.org/heal/covid19/


Haruv from the Couch- Dr. Alicia F Lieberman's Webinar on Parenting Under Stress

Haruv from the Couch with Dr. Alicia F Lieberman is one webinar in an ongoing series of remote discourse lectures for professionals, organized by Haruv USA. Watch Alicia speak here: https://youtu.be/gQAMNxzD9cg View the full list of Haruv from the Couch webinars here (CEU available): http://www.ou.edu/cas/socialwork/centers-programs/haruvusa/haruv-from-the-couch


A trauma Informed survival guide to move away from cognitive fog and toward emotional well being during the COVID-19 crisis, by Dr. Miriam Hernandez Dimmler

This link contains a video recording plus slides from Dr. Miriam Hernandez Dimmler presentation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16wCQjJuBRBH8nm9BNzSfuzTPIaRIpBAp


Learning to Listen to Fear: How to help young children heal from the unspeakable, by Dr. Alicia F Lieberman

A webinar presented by Alicia for Brazelton Touchpoints Center: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfECluq2NeQ