
Research at CTRP

Research is a central part of our mission. We study the effects of our treatment with ethnically diverse populations across the socioeconomic spectrum. 

Multiple scientific studies show that our interventions lead to significant improvements in children's physical stress symptoms, learning and IQ scores, and emotional and behavioral health. 

The entire family does better. Mothers improve on depression, PTSD and overall emotional health, and marital satisfaction is higher years after the end of treatment.

Our research continues to investigate the effectiveness of our community-based interventions, including the impact of treatment starting in pregnancy and how treatment can prevent the biological embedding of early life adversity.


Current Studies

CTRP-Core Study

The Core Study at CTRP includes all families who seek or are referred for treatment at our SFGH location and includes multiple clinical domains: caregiver and child functioning, stressful life events, executive function and school-readiness. Led by Dr. Alicia Lieberman and Dr. Chandra Ghosh Ippen, the Core study draws heavily from theoretically-informed, foundational clinical assessment in the CPP model.

Community Mental Health Initiative

CTRP's Tipping Point Community Mental Health Initiative invites participants to participate in research examining adult and child traumatic experiences, well-being, and the effectiveness of treatment services at our partner sites across the Bay Area.

UCSF Baby Study

The UCSF Baby Study is currently recruiting caregivers of babies 3-18 months old who have experienced a stressful or scary event. Participation involves coming to Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital or arranging a video call for a 2-hour interview about any stressful events the baby and caregiver have experienced, and how they are doing now. Participants are compensated with a $40 giftcard. Any English- or Spanish-speaking caregiver located in the United States may be eligible to participate, and should contact us by email at [email protected] or call/text at 650-741-0877, or take the survey at (select preferred language, then refresh the page).

Building Bridges

Building Bridges is a parent/caregiver group adaptation to Child Parent Psychotherapy. It is designed to strengthen the caregiver-child relationship by creating a supportive space for caregivers of children under 6 years old to 1) increase their reflective capacity, 2) integrate mindfulness in their life, 3) explore the impact of trauma and stress on their family 4) build a supportive community with other caregivers. The group sessions connect the past, present and future by inviting caregivers to reflect on ways their childhood experiences influence their parenting today, and by reminding them that they have the power to build and sustain an attuned caregiver-child relationship that will be the most powerful protective factor for their child in the future. The curriculum uses art and experiential activities and relies on the power of relationships, rather than specific skills or tools, to be the main mechanism of growth and healing. This group has been applied and studied in community-based settings, including family homeless shelters, and has been adapted to communities exposed to armed conflict in Colombia (named Semillas de Apego).